KJVR Attorneys

Our Services

10 years of legal experience in the labour industry.

As a result of our vast experience, we have developed a four-step approach to our services. 

Legal Compliance
Auditing & Implementation.

We will be by doing a complete internal audit on your company’s current legal compliance status, to determine your company’s shortfalls and opportunities in terms of relevant labour legislations:

  • BCEA (Basic Conditions of Employment Act).
  • LRA (Labour Relations Act).
  • UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fun Act).
  • OHSA (Occupational Health and Safety).

After determining the shortfalls in your system, we then follow up by providing the best practices and tools to ensure legal compliance:

  • Drafting and implementation of contracts of employment.
  • Drafting and implementation of policies and procedures. 
  • Creating a disciplinary code.
  • Providing advice on health and safety-related compliance.
  • Ensuring compliance in terms of the UIF Act (Company Registrations, employee registration for unemployment insurance, and UI19).
Employee relations
Workplace discipline &
Performance management.

We provide effective management solutions for employee relations to ensure continual improvement of your business.

  • Facilitating difficult discussions and employee meetings.
  • Communicating basic conditions of employment.
  • Advise on corrective discipline in the workplace.
  • Drafting of warnings, notices, etc.
  • Disciplinary discussions.
  • Performance management.
  • Managing incapacity due to poor performance or injury.
Collective bargaining.
  • Effectively managing and facilitating Trade Union relationships and representation.
  • Organizational Rights.
  • Wage Negotiations.
Dispute resolution
Internal dispute resolution.
  • Manage and handle all internal disputes & grievances.
  • Chairing disciplinary hearings.
  • Provide advice and assistance regarding procedural and substantive fairness aspect, timeously notices periods, and employee rights.
  • Assistance with drafting the necessary documents.
Termination of employment and retrenchments.
  • Facilitate all mutual termination processes and conditional dismissal.
  • Drafting mutual agreements between parties.
  • Providing support to Employer and Employee during negotiations in terms of operational requirements.
  • Initiate and facilitate the complete retrenchment process.
External dispute resolution.
  • Assistance at CCMA and Bargaining Council level.
  • Advisory role to clients during Conciliations, Arbitration, and Mediation.
  • Representation to resolve matters relating to unfair labour practice.
  • Wage negotiations.
  • Preparing documented evidence and witnesses for conciliation and arbitration documentation.
10 +
Years of legal experience in the labour industry.
98 %
Success rate.
1790 +
Chaired disciplinary hearings.
Cups of coffee.

Service packages.

These service packages are tailored to businesses of all sizes.

Monthly Package

Labour & IR only

  • Once off Admin Fee of R 2 750
  • Monthly retainer fee: Labour & IR
    1 – 10 Employees - R1450
  • 11 - 100 Employees Monthly fee:
    Per site R 950 Per Employee R 50
  • A minimum period of 12 months
Exclusive Package

Labour, IR & POPIA

  • Once off Admin Fee R 2 750
  • Labour & IR:
    1 – 10 Employees - R1450
  • 11 - 100 Employees Monthly fee: Per site R 950 Per Employee R 50
  • POPIA: Monthly retainer for labour + 45% (R0 – R1000)
    40% (R1001 – R3000)
    35% (R3001 – R5000)
    30% (R5000)
Once Off Package
  • Contact our offices for a detailed quotation
  • Once-off Package prices may be subject to change depending on the size of the company and the company’s specific needs